A New Challange Awaits (Devlog #4)
The Prototype (BETA) » Devlog
Hello hi, so there's a lot to talk about which is why I'm going to talk about Textures first... It's complicated... apparently..
not really that complicated, it is just i messed up when I was making the map.
For developers the situation I'm facing is z fighting and for the casual gamer "glitching walls"
as shown here:
Now to fix this.... I won't be fixing it since it only happens on the upper wall.... I hope...
Next there's Prototype.... I'm very creative at naming...


(Those white things coming out of it are bones, they aren't suppose to be visible)
for the new design it will have a display as a face but distorted, broken almost... as if someone had wack it with a wrench...
Aaaaaand the workbench... it has an animation however it's quite... bad so I'm not going to show it :)
the work bench is used to make your weapons and equipment (only 4 for now,
No devlog video yet unfortunately :(
A strong flashlight, A high volt gun that is able to stun your foes, vision scrambler grenade and Void Transmitter) Get The Prototype (BETA)
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The Prototype (BETA)
a indie horror game about sentient prototypes.
More posts
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- Devlog #8Nov 12, 2023
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- Devlog #6 IT MOOVESOct 20, 2023
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- lifelike movement and more!Sep 13, 2023
- Resuming Progression + What I have currently setupSep 04, 2023
- Slowing Down ProgressAug 10, 2023
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